Surviving Lockdown 2021 – Mhairi

Next in our series of how members of our community have been adapting to lockdown is Mhairi, our amazing ops assistant. Mhairi’s life has changed more than most in the past year, but ever positive she has found lots to enjoy in amongst the challenges.
Here is her story:
“I became a first time mum during the 1st lockdown. Nara, now 8 months, will always be known as a lockdown baby.People do, and will for years to come, look at us with pity in their eyes and say “what a shame”, “it isn’t what the first year should be like”, “you poor things”.
My partner wasn’t with me for a large part of the birth and was only allowed to stay with us for an hour after she was born. We haven’t been able to attend many mum and baby classes or catch up with friends in coffee shops. Nara has seen some relatives only a handful of times and others not at all. And yet…..we have been having a really lovely time.
Covid restrictions have in many ways been a blessing for us. There have been no visits, no family to help us out, no support groups to go to, but we have been given a rare opportunity to focus on what really matters. With my partner working from home we have been given time to really bond as a family, to eat good food and to take care of eachother.
Walking has been such a great way to look after both my mental and physical health over the last few months. Everyday I strap Nara to me and we set off on an adventure. Sometimes we just walk around the streets, sometimes to a local park. Wherever we go, the important thing is getting out of the house! I’ve never been one to stay indoors all day so these wee walks with Nara have become a real lifeline for me. It’s something to look forward to and gives structure to what could be just another aimless day.
Nara’s wee smile cheers up everyone we pass.
I’m glad to say that she loves the outdoors as much as I do. Hopefully it won’t be long until we can travel further and embark on some ‘real’ adventures together!”
By Pinkston