Pinkston reopening

In line with the government framework and additional guidance issued by the Scottish Canoe Association, we have made the decision to reopen on a very limited basis during phase 1 following Covid-19 lockdown. The first sessions will be available on the 6th and 7th June and will consist of flat water park and play and swimming. Initially these sessions are planned for weekends until the end of June, but this will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Bookings should go live later on 3rd June 2020, we are awaiting a few small final changes to the back end with regards to additional booking information required from participants. This will allow for no close contact with staff on arrival at the centre.
This decision is based on Pinkston’s position to facilitate individuals to participate in permitted activities (canoeing, kayaking, SUP, and swimming) during phase 1. Guidelines only allow for travel within the local area to participate in these activities (with a 5 mile recommendation on this) so without Pinkston opening many people in Glasgow are still very restricted in their ability to participate in their chosen sport.
The water will be open for bookings, but we are not at this stage able to open the toilets or changing rooms. Please bear this in mind before making a booking.
Sessions will only be open to individuals with staggered start times to minimise the possibility of any bottlenecks at access and egress points. Sessions will be restricted to 1 hour in length also to allow control on the numbers on site. They will also only be open to people who have their own equipment.
We hope that Phase 2 will allow a greater easing of restrictions and it may be when we are able to start introducing white-water sessions. This is still to be confirmed.
We are open for bookings from groups that are able to operate within guideline – which at the current time will be minimal. However, we are able to take bookings for when we enter later stages. These can be cancelled at a later date if things don’t follow expected timelines.
Click here to access our Covid-19 Risk Assessment
By Pinkston