Moving towards reopening

Following the decision by the government on Thursday to enter Phase 1 following lockdown we have made the decision to reopen in a limited way. The timescale for this is still to be confirmed, but further information will be made available early next week.
Canoeing and swimming are now permitted activities, and while there are still a lot of restrictions in place we feel that Pinkston is in a unique position to facilitate activity within the government guidelines. On this basis we are excited to be tentatively looking at how we can best welcome you all back.
Initially we are proposing flat water park and play and swim sessions. These will be available under the following conditions
- Changing rooms and classrooms won’t be open
- Toilets will be open, but we would request minimal use if possible. These will be cleaned a minimum of 3 times a day when we are open for activities using antibacterial and anti-viral cleaning products. We will also increase the cleaning of points where increased touch is likely (e.g. pontoon ladders and railings)
- We will minimise the number of bookings onsite
- We will initially be limiting the number of individuals that can book on any session to 10 until we establish appropriate numbers for effective social distancing in all areas of the site
- Hand Sanitiser stations will be available at access and egress points
- Booking, paperwork and payment must be completed prior to travelling to the site
- Sessions will only be open to those living within a 5 mile radius of Pinkston, in line with Government guidelines
We will also be opening for organisations who can operate under the current government guidelines (e.g. rescue services). Please get in touch if this applies and you would like to make a booking.
Further information will be available on all of this early next week
Enjoy a sunny weekend, and hopefully we will see you before too long!
By Pinkston