Pinkston Lockdown Update and Meeting Invites

From the team at Pinkston, we want to pass on our best wishes to all of our community as we sit out the latest lockdown. With all of the team on part or full furlough life is very different for us – as we are sure it is for you.
We, like you, continue to watch the news with hope that we will be able to return to activity sooner rather than later. At this time we have no better idea than anyone of when that will be. As such we are planning ahead so that we are ready when the time comes. This is including activity plans and planning for activities funded by youthlink for local community groups. We have also been successful in attracting some adapt and thrive funding, which will be used for site improvements, including lockers and changing shelters to improve the experience for outdoor changing.
As has been touched on previously there have been some changes to the board in the past year, and we are in the process of finalising an updated business plan. As a consequence the time feels right to hold a long overdue user group meeting.
For those interested in attending the user group meeting you can sign up here
We are also in the process of revisiting the possibility of changing the configuration of the long course.
Hopefully see you there
And if not, then on the water soon!
Stay safe
From all the team at Pinkston