1st May 2020 – Update

For many of our regular users, this time of lockdown will be one of the frustrations, so we are thinking of you all as you face the challenges presented during this difficult time. At Pinkston we are mindful of the increased pressure that this situation is putting on so many, but also hopeful and looking to the future.
I have been brought back off furlough for a short time and we are lucky to have the ongoing support of Helen to keep the finances in order. The board have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure that we are in a strong place to come out the other side of this crisis. We also have 3 new board members, who will be familiar faces to many of you. John Montgomery (Glasgow Kelvin College), Graham Swanson (Drumchapel and Clydebank), and Catherine Brown (CR Cats) have joined the existing board and are providing ongoing support . Some of you will already have spoken to them as part of this process.
A big thank you is due to everyone who has donated to our Just Giving Campaign, or has been in touch with messages of support, information, and suggestions. It has been amazing reminder of the strength of the paddling community, and how important Pinkston is to so many people – we are collecting stories about this, so please get in touch if you would like to share what Pinkston means to you.
Pinkston remains closed to all users, maintaining access only for those who have containers. I would please request that you do not try to access the changing and toilet facilities which are not currently being cleaned or maintained. Please take any rubbish home with you as we are no longer having our bins emptied. I would also request that you follow current social distancing guidance and recommendations that we all refrain from paddling. Activity is not currently permitted on the Pinkston basin.
There is one exception to accessing the water at Pinkston which has been approved by senior council officials and the Police; that is that the Outdoor Resource Centre can access the water at Pinkston. I don’t expect that many of you will be there with the current restrictions in place, but if you happen to be accessing your containers and see someone on the water it is likely to be them. Please give them a cheery wave. The ORC works with some of the most vulnerable children in our society who may be living in unsafe environments or are accommodated. The effects of restricted activity on them will be felt more strongly than by many. I completely understand the frustration we are all feeling about not being able to participate in the activities that are so important to us but I’m sure you will agree that the impact this will have on these young people is an important one.
Funding for the period in which we are closed
- We expect our income to be £140,000 less for 2020-21 than was projected before Covid-19. This figure represents approximately 65% of our total turnover
- Current predictions are that we need to find £50,000 funding to ensure that we meet all essential costs between now and the end of the financial year
- The government’s furlough scheme means that we have been able to reduce costs significantly. We have also switched off water treatment, cancelled bin collections, and all other non-essential spending
- We have been unsuccessful in a bid to the Third Sector Resilience fund. This was due to a level of reserves which means we don’t run out of cash before July.
- We are waiting to hear back from The Fore RAFT Covid-19 fund
- We plan to approach the Andy Jackson Fund, and have had early conversations
- We are working on other options and to identify other suitable sources of funding
What can you do to help?
- Share your stories about what Pinkston means to you (or contact your club/group with this request so that it can be passed on) – this will go a long way to reminding everyone (including funders) why it is so important that Pinkston remains a viable operation. We will share these on our blog
- Consider a prepayment of sessions for your group or organisation. Thank you to Monklands Canoe Club and CR Cats who have already offered to help in this way.
- Consider a Pinkston gift card if purchasing gifts for friends or loved ones. These can be redeemed against any Pinkston activity and can be bought via our website
- Share or donate to our funding campaign – https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/Pinkstoncovid19?fbclid=IwAR3qKSEIOgvntCHFVuzntUO-cA4VP2y11ya1KD32CjBQb9oYAGsj9eQ82g8 . If your income allows maybe consider donating what you would normally have spent at Pinkston.
- Consider if you may be able to volunteer some time, either now or in the future as we reopen
It is a difficult time, but I am confident that as a community we can get through this. And I am sure all of you will be keen to get back on the water when restrictions are lifted – I look forward to seeing you then!
By Pinkston